Environmental Policy
Maggie Beer Products is committed to protecting the environment through operational activities that minimise any adverse environmental impacts.
Maggie Beer Products is dedicated to continuously improving our operations to minimise environmental impact and for the prevention of pollution.
Maggie Beer products strives to achieve environmental best practices throughout its business and actively encourages care and regard for the environment among employees, contractors and third party suppliers.
Maggie Beer Products objectives in the fulfillment of this policy are:
- To foster environmental awareness and responsibility in employees, contractors, suppliers and customers
- To manage waste through the use of waste minimisation methods
- To promote conservation and the use of environmentally sensitive products
- To train employees to conserve resources, minimise waste, and work efficiently and safely with respect to environmental protection
- To maintain procedures and methods which aim to reduce the risk of accidental spills, emissions and discharges
- Continually striving for opportunities to improve our understanding of sustainable environmental principles
- Ensuring environmental assessment of new projects and asset purchases protect the biodiversity and ecosystem
- Maggie Beer Products is registered with Sedex. Registration is reviewed annually within the SCH01 Verification Schedule. Manufacturing Manager has a registered log in
- Working with our suppliers to promote recycled options for packaging
We strive to meet our commitment through:
Sustainable Packaging Guidelines
Maggie Beer Products reviews and considers new product packaging in line with its packaging sustainability strategy and guidelines.
These guidelines include:
- New product design considerations that look to minimise the total weight of packaging used in product
- Select suppliers who have documented environmental management systems
- Utilise local suppliers wherever possible to minimise the supply chain emissions
- Meet consumer needs through clear communication regarding appropriate disposal
- Purchase packaging in line with forecast to minimise wastage
- Review opportunities to move to more sustainable practices for using recycled materials to minimise waste
Waste Recovery Rate
On an annual basis Maggie beer Products reviews its on-site waste recovery rates provided by its third party suppliers.
Waste data collected includes; General waste, cardboard, metal, fruit drums and wooden pallets.
This data is assessed against our benchmark of achieving a 5% improved year on year for waste diversion from landfill of all plant waste generated.
Procurement Practices
Maggie Beer Products works closely with their key suppliers of packaging to ensure their business principles regarding sustainable packaging practices are aligned with ours with a preference to companies that are part of the Australian Packaging Covenant (APCO)
Best Practice:
- Standardizing dielines to create better efficiencies
- Identify the minimum cardboard grade available for the finished weight of the goods to travel safely within the supply chain
- Maximizing finished goods case counts to improve pallet configuration efficiencies to minimise pallets on the road
- Maximise recycled content in packaging wherever possible
- Sharing of new industry innovations regarding packaging
Energy Consumption
Maggie Beer Products maintains all site equipment regularly to ensure their energy operational efficiencies are maintained as per factory standards.
All new equipment purchases are reviewed for efficiencies in gas, water and electricity.
Our monthly consumption is tracked against manufacturing hours and inefficiencies are identified quickly to assess month on month changes to operations that impacted consumption.
Maggie Beer products includes environmental assessments of new projects, asset purchases, sales and existing operations to ensure the protection of biodiversity of our facility and region.
Maggie Beer Products works closely with its raw ingredient processors to ensure their manufacturing practices foster effective sustainability to support the protection of biodiversity.
Annual supplier audits are conducted to review supplier practices and the open dialog in these site visits allows for an assessment of environmental impacts in their manufacturing, carbon footprint assessment, farming and manufacturing practices and the identification of products supplied with the most negative impact on biodiversity to discuss improvement measures.
We engage with transportation suppliers that have clear policies and processes in place to track and monitor climate relevant emissions and in the tender and engagement process assess their environmental management system and processes.
We consider the following in our transportation process:
- Shortest and most efficient transport distances
- Optimized planning of routes
- Optimized distribution network
- Transport efficiencies through the use of backloading in empty trailer wherever possible
- Maximizing pallet spaces and loads to reduce frequency of transport